Jan 2017 – My Year Of Complete Restoration
DOPIC: DESTINY CHANGER. Destiny is an attraction speaking about the future. Everyone has a destiny in God. God is a God of purpose. Jer 1:5. I might not know details of Gods destiny for you but can tell you that God wants you to shine brighter and brighter as the day goes by Prov 4:18. Your destiny is to prosper Jer 29:11. Your destiny is that you are blessed. Deut 28:6. Deut 28:3. Your destiny is fruitful.
But along comes the adversary. John 10:10. Some are destined to be the head, prosper, shine, fruitful etc but unfortunately we see some of them struggling now and going through challenges. The thief has come to steal, to kill and to destroy. God will put you on track for your destiny in Jesus name ( Amen ) .
Four Hebrew boys had destiny but one day they were taken captive, Daniel, Meshaic, Shadrach and Abednego. God intervened and completely restored them to achieve their destiny.
Seven Things We Must Do To Have A Complete Restoration Of Destiny In 2017.
1.)They refused to defile themselves. Dan 1: We have to remain steadfast in the Lord
Dan 3:16.
2.)They had the fear of God. Their fear of God over-ruled their safety.
3.)They had an excellent spirit. Dan 6:3. Whatever they did was of the highest quality. You must have excellent spirit.
4.) They are committed to prayers. Prayer was their life style. Dan 6:10.
5.) They were skilled. Dan 1:7. Prov 22:29.
6.) They are eager to acquire knowledge. You need to be the best in your skill to get to the top.
7.) They understood they were catalyst for change in their nation. Dan 11:2. They know their God, they know God and they overcome. You need to know the God you are serving.
Text: Joel 2:25-27, James 4:7
Father this very day arise for me and scatter all my enemies.
We have to deal with the devil because he was the original trouble maker. The seed of the woman will come and deal with the devil. 1 John 3:8 God asked us to deal with the devil. God will never ask us to do what we cannot do. God knows our ability. He said resist the devil meaning that devil can be resisted by me and you. Phil 4:13. Not only can he be resisted ,devil must be resisted. Mark 16:17
Devil must not be worshipped Exo 20:3. Every tree not planted by God shall be uprooted tonight. Devil should not be glorified. Acts 8:9-24. All the forces tormenting you shall become your footstool. Matt 15:21-28. Devil should not be tolerated. Devil should not be accommodated. Mark 5:11-13. Every blood sucker in my family will not see the new year. Devil is not to be served. Matt 4:8-10. Devil is not to be loved. Mark 12:30-31. Devil is not to be advertised. Acts 1:8. Do not associate with the devil. 2 Cor 6:14-16. Jesus will send light into your life.
God says resist the devil and he will flee from us. Num 23:19. Some may say that have resisted but devil is not fleeing. May be you have not submitted yourself completely. The reason why some are afraid of witches and wizard is because you have not totally surrendered to God. If you are not covered with the blood of Jesus, and you command demons to get out, he may come to you. They overcame by the blood of the lamb. 1 John 3:8. How can you resist your master. If you are living in sin, you are of the devil. If you are servant of the devil and you have audacity to tell the devil to get out, devil will wonder who is speaking. Acts 19:11-17. You cannot be one leg in Christ and one leg in the world and ask demons to move. You cannot go to Church and at the same time belong to secret society and ask demons to move, he will say who are you?
The moment you submit, you resist the devil and the devil will run. Devil know who has submitted to God. 1 Peter 5:8-9, we must resist Satan steadfastly and we must resist the devil in the name of Jesus. Don’t be afraid of the devil. Zac 4:6. We are resisting the devil by the power of God. 1 John 4:4. God is on our side. We must tell the devil you cannot capture my family. Gen 14:1-16.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus no member of my family will go to hell.
It is time to tell the devil that I refuse to allow you to control my future. 2 Kings 4:1-7. Children are being tormented by forces of darkness these days. 1 Sam 25:1-42.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus I decree Satan take your hands off my children.
It is time to tell the devil you cannot have my dreams. Many of us have great dreams but now wondering if the dreams can be actualised. Some have direct prophesy but enemy in the family wants to limit the destiny. Gen 39:1- end. Devil wanted to steal the dreams of Joseph but he resisted.
Father in the mighty name of Jesus, Satan will not destroy my dreams. I will become what you want me to become.
It is high time we tell the devil that you cannot steal my blessing. Gen 22:1-18. You will trek no more very soon. When devil ask you not to do what God asked you to do.
Father from now on the devil will no longer steal my blessings.
It’s time we tell the devil you can no longer steal my breakthrough. Mark 10:46-52. Bartimeaus story.
Father, this very night, my breakthrough must come. Satan you will not hinder my breakthrough.
We must tell the devil he cannot have our crowns. Jesus is the king of kings. We have our crown reserved 1 Sam 17. Devil realized that David has been anointed to be king and he wanted to destroy his crown. Rev 3:11. Hold fast that which you have lest no man take your crown. Nobody will take my crown in Jesus name.
Father in the mighty name of Jesus nobody will take my crown. Father deliver my neighbor from the devil totally.
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